logbua House on the sea
Some rain doesn´t stop me having breakfast outside

Photos 2023-2024

Some rain doesn´t stop me having breakfast outside

Some rain doesn´t stop me having breakfast outside

4 May 2024. Good temperature 25 degrees and trees got green during the first days of May.

4 May 2024. Good temperature 25 degrees and trees got green during the first days of May.

Åna-Sira Stadium 4. May 2024

Åna-Sira Stadium 4. May 2024

Activities for all ages at the Åna-sira Stadium, just 5 minutes walk from Logbua.

Activities for all ages at the Åna-sira Stadium, just 5 minutes walk from Logbua.

At Åna-Sira you can now play frisbeegolf on the upgraded 9- and 16- hole course. This is an activity that suits absolutely everyone and is completely free.Rent frisbees for free.

At Åna-Sira you can now play frisbeegolf on the upgraded 9- and 16- hole course. This is an activity that suits absolutely everyone and is completely free.Rent frisbees for free.

We are in the beginning of May and spring is in the air.

We are in the beginning of May and spring is in the air.

17 May and the national day of Norway.

17 May and the national day of Norway.

for who prefer swim in fresh water, Hammarhølen beach just 400 m from the house...

for who prefer swim in fresh water, Hammarhølen beach just 400 m from the house...

one of the most beautiful beach Sandviga, Åna-Sira...

one of the most beautiful beach Sandviga, Åna-Sira...

summer summer we love it!

summer summer we love it!

Sanden, a part of Åna-Sira. In the end of 18th century it was here the centre of Åna-Sira was, and 129 people lived here. There were post office, bank, groceries...

Sanden, a part of Åna-Sira. In the end of 18th century it was here the centre of Åna-Sira was, and 129 people lived here. There were post office, bank, groceries...

September and some wonderful days

September and some wonderful days

Kaffidyret cafe in the centre of the municipality of  Sokndal 17 km from Åna-Sira. Sogndalstrand is worth visiting.

Kaffidyret cafe in the centre of the municipality of Sokndal 17 km from Åna-Sira. Sogndalstrand is worth visiting.

The very long sunsets of January seen from Logbua.

The very long sunsets of January seen from Logbua.

Tableview of Logbua

Tableview of Logbua

burning sky...specially in winter you can experience this amazong sunsets from the house...

burning sky...specially in winter you can experience this amazong sunsets from the house...

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a room with a view...

a room with a view...

January 2024 - Winter in Åna-Sira

January 2024 - Winter in Åna-Sira

it is not normal to have so much snow at the coast...

it is not normal to have so much snow at the coast...

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The Church of Åna-Sira. Architect: Jacob Wilhelm Nordan (born 23 February 1824 in Copenhagen, died 11 April 1892 in Christiania) was a Danish-born architect who practiced in Norway.

The Church of Åna-Sira. Architect: Jacob Wilhelm Nordan (born 23 February 1824 in Copenhagen, died 11 April 1892 in Christiania) was a Danish-born architect who practiced in Norway.

åna-Sira Kirke 3.jpg