logbua House on the sea
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A blue mind is a creative mind

In our everyday lives, we’re constantly bombarded with sensory stimuli, whether from our devices, busy homes and offices, or hectic city streets. Our brains need downtime , but they rarely get enough of it. Being around water gives our brains and our senses a rest from overstimulation. Wallace J. Nichols.



Calm, peace, unity - water helps amplify nature’s soothing, healing qualities like a rest for the body and mind. It increases a sense of well-being, happinness and contentment. It lower levels of stress and anxiety, heart and breathing rate.

After a day digesting the extreme landscape, fold yourself inside the hygge-heavy Logbua cabin to warm through.


In winter the colors in the sea get stronger. The water is cold, and the different varieties of fish and seafood have a higher fat content, which produces a tastier, healthier end product. Into the Wild, where fresh mussels are prepared on the beach of Sandviga, Åna-Sira. Our passion for nature cuts to the heart of what we call friluftsliv “open-air living” and was popularised in the 1850s by the Norwegian playwright and poet, Henrik Ibsen, who used the term to describe the value of spending time in remote locations for spiritual and physical wellbeing.


interaction between people and nature

A walk in the Norwegian mountains or watching the sunrise at sea can awaken the innermost feelings of happiness and peace. Such stimuli promote a gentle, soft focus that allows our brains to rest, wander and recover from what is called the “nervous irritation” of city life. The list of health benefits staying close to nature is long, and nowadays words like mindfullness, recovery and decleration are commonly used in this relation. Words associated with the stay at the house on the sea – Logbua.


“We are beginning to learn that our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight, and even heal what’s broken,” Nichols writes in Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do, published in July. “We have a ‘blue mind’ — and it’s perfectly tailored to make us happy in all sorts of ways that go way beyond relaxing in the surf, listening to the murmur of a stream, or floating quietly in a pool.” Wallace J. Nichols.


into the wild - food

We can connect to nature through food by eating how nature intended, by making conscious food choices and by practising mindful eating

Mindful eating

Mindful eating focuses on your eating experiences, body-related sensations, and thoughts and feelings about food, with heightened awareness and without judgment. Attention is paid to the foods being chosen, internal and external physical cues, and your responses to those cues


colors of the sea

Thanks to the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current, coastal areas have a mild, temperate marine climate. The color of the sea of Åna-Sira is very green and sea temperature in june-august can sometime reach 20 degrees. Yes we swim in the sea and the beach of Sandviga is a very nice place for swimming. The sea here gets warmer due to its lagoon shape.

Rolling Stone beach of Sandviga

Åna-Sira and the Logbua area, for the one searching for a really wild life experience. We are in one of the worlds protected landscape and seascape area, Flekkefjord Landskapsområde and Magma Unesco Geopark.


wild salmon jumping

Do you dream about fishing salmon directly from your house? You experience salmon jumping in the sea around the Logbua house.

open fire cooking

Logbua is the best place for your team build event. What can be more cozy than sitting all together around the fireplace.


Blue mind

Blue Mind: A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.

into the wild

2 outdoor fireplaces on Logbua invite you to prepare food on the grill.